Import of Roster File into Sydex

  1. The default file is named: ENTRIES.TXT but it can be named anything as long as it's formatted to import into Sydex.
  2. Use My Computer to copy the import file: ENTRIES.TXT from A: or C:\TRKSTATS to the data folder (subdirectory) where the Sydex files are stored.
  3. After all rosters are imported, corrections can be done as normal in Sydex.
Overview of import rosters process:
  1. Click on Entries Options | Receive Entries
  2. Select a meet
  3. Type the Location of entries:  in the Box or click Find and browse to it.  (See options below for hard drive or disk .)
  4. Choose athletes for Receive: Usually Click the Entire team's roster
  5. Click Go to begin

Receiving Entries from email/hard drive location:

  1. The default name of the file is entries.txt but the online files will be named syimport.txt, syboys.txt, sygirls.txt, etc.
    1. First copy this file to the folder where your track program is located on your hard drive (usually c:\trkstat) or some other appropriately named folder using Windows Explorer or My Computer.
      1. If using data from the Online Entry Conversion the file will be appropriately named.
    2. If the named entries.txt or whatever is not found the system will give you the error message "No entries.txt file found".
  2. Select the meet from the list.
  3. Always import the boys data before importing the girls data!
  4. Click Current directory of hard drive for the location of your entries.
  5. Change the letter case of team and roster names if needed.
    1. Team names and abbreviations import automatically from the Control Program database.
      • Suggested Setting: Team Names: No Change
    2. Athletes names are imported as the coaches entered them on the web.
      • Change the letter case of runner names to upper and lower case (ex. Mike Smith)
      • Suggested Setting: Roster Names: Initial Capitals
  6. Click Go to begin.
    1. The file may give an error message of Unusual dup key(540) Click Ok
    2. If events codes don't match, select appropriate code and continue.
      • After testing, you may edit the codes so they match.

Receiving Entries from floppy diskette:

  1. Insert the diskette into the correct drive (usually A)
  2. Select the meet from the list.
  3. Always import the boys data before importing the girls data!
  4. Click A: or B: for the location of your entries.
  5. Change the letter case of team and roster names if needed. (See 5 above!)
  6. Click Go to begin: